Introducing REV Group’s new mobility brand- Revability.
Mobility vehicles that offer more choices, more access, and more freedom. Revability highlights the best aspects of both ElDorado Mobility and Auto Ability brands. Connecting passengers of all abilities, Revability brings a renewed focus on product innovation and builds a strong market presence with the most inclusive lineup of wheelchair accessible vehicles the industry has to offer. Innovation, Reliability, and Freedom are just a few of the areas Revability hopes to help in people’s lives.
John Walsh, REV Bus & Mobility Group President commented, “This is a very exciting time for REV and the Mobility Division to be able to combine two great brands in the wheelchair accessible van market – AutoAbility and Eldorado Mobility – into one new brand – Revability. With the resources of REV, our excellent manufacturing facilities, a strong new Mobility management team and unparalleled customer service, Revability is positioned for great success. We are equally excited to be working with The Buoniconti Fund and increasing our commitment to the ‘Ability Community.'”